state of your house
State of your house
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I enjoy observing people and my surroundings. It's always exciting when I notice patterns or hidden stories behind other people's behavior and the way they treat others and their belongings. One thing I discovered is that the state of your house actually reflects the state of your household (marriage life).

To be fair, I understand that it may not suit everyone's situation. But, in most cases, that statement is correct. Please allow me to explain by using analogies.

House and Household Analogy

The Structure: A Strong Foundation for a Harmonious Household

House stucture represents the foundation of the household
House structure represents the foundation of the household
(Pic by Freepik via

Imagine walking into a house that radiates warmth, serenity, and order. Its walls stand tall and sturdy, mirroring the unyielding foundation of a strong and harmonious relationship.

The marriage, like the structure of the house, has been built upon trust, communication, and mutual respect. Each brick represents the shared moments, the laughter, and the tears that have fortified their bond over time.

Just as the architecture of the house is carefully planned, the couple has invested in building a solid foundation for their love to thrive.

Interior Design: Reflecting the Dynamics of a Household

well-matched and well-concepted interior design
Well-matched and well-concept interior design
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Going further into the house, we enter the realm of interior design.

A well-designed home echoes the attention to detail and the artistic flair that a couple brings to their relationship. The choice of colors, textures, and furnishings reflects the couple's individual tastes and their ability to find a harmonious balance.

A home decorated with beautiful artwork signifies the creativity and passion that fuel their love story. Similarly, a household marked by creativity and shared hobbies enriches the relationship, fostering an environment of growth and shared experiences.

Functionality: A Backbone for a Thriving Household

a functional working space at home
A functional working space at home
(Pic by pressfoto via

Functionality is the backbone of any house, just as it is for a household. A house that embodies functionality showcases efficient systems and organization. From the layout of the rooms to the arrangement of furniture, every element is carefully designed for optimal use.

Similarly, a functional household thrives on effective communication, division of responsibilities, and well-established routines. When the household functions smoothly, it fosters harmony, reduces stress, and creates an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

Cleanliness: A Reflection of Emotional Well-Being

cleaning the house together
Cleaning the house together
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Cleanliness is not only a visual aspect but also a reflection of the emotional state within a household. A clean and well-maintained home signifies the importance of self-care and respect for one another.

Just as a cluttered house hinders movement, a cluttered household stifles growth. It is essential to recognize that the state of cleanliness within a household can provide insights into the overall emotional well-being of its members.

The Connection: Unveiling the Reflections of a Household

Now that I've given you the analogy, let's try to discuss what the different states of each element represent.

Firstly, let's consider the structure of a house.

A well-maintained and structurally sound house can symbolize a stable and harmonious household. If the walls are crumbling, the foundation is weak, or there are visible signs of neglect, it may indicate underlying issues within the family relationships.

On the other hand, a structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing house can suggest a healthy and caring family environment.

For example, a solid and sturdy roof can symbolize protection and security, while a leaky roof may indicate a lack of stability and vulnerability.

The condition of the windows and doors can represent the level of openness and communication within the family, with well-maintained and functioning windows and doors suggesting healthy relationships and open lines of communication.

On the other hand, broken or boarded-up windows and doors may signify barriers and difficulties in connecting with one another.

Moving on to interior design, the choices made in decorating a house can provide insight into the dynamics of a household.

A cluttered and disorganized interior may indicate a lack of harmony or communication within the family. A living room filled with mismatched furniture and piles of unopened mail may suggest that the family members have different tastes and priorities, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.

Conversely, a well-coordinated and cozy interior with personal touches can indicate a strong sense of creativity, togetherness, and mutual understanding among family members. 

Functionality is another crucial aspect to consider.

A house that is functional and meets the needs of its occupants suggests a household that is well-equipped to handle challenges and adapt to changes. 

If appliances are broken, utilities are frequently malfunctioning, or there are constant repairs needed, it may reflect a household struggling to maintain stability and handle everyday tasks efficiently.

Cleanliness plays a significant role in reflecting the state of a household.

A clean and well-maintained house indicates a family that takes pride in their environment and pays attention to detail. It suggests a level of discipline, responsibility, and respect for one's surroundings.

Conversely, a dirty and unkempt house can symbolize a household that lacks order, and discipline, or simply struggles to prioritize cleanliness amidst other challenges.


To summarize, the state of someone's house can indeed reflect the state of their household.

A well-maintained, organized, and functional house often signifies a harmonious and thriving household, while a neglected, chaotic, or dysfunctional house may indicate underlying issues within the family dynamic.

Sometimes, I hope my interpretation isn't true. But, sadly, the patterns and the connections are too obvious for me to recognize, even when others don't see them.

It doesn't matter if the house reflects that the family is doing great and lives in harmony. But when the house is obviously neglected, combined with the behavior and habits of the people living there, it saddens me (and scares me sometimes) about what actually happens behind the door.

From this observation, I hope that my partner and I can build a house that reflects a healthy and happy relationship. And I hope you do too.