how to not procrastinate
(Pic by Brett Jordan via

It is not uncommon for me to feel reluctant to do the tasks that I have to do.

I am aware that the task must be completed immediately.

I understand that my workload will continue to pile up if I delay doing the work.

I also recognize that the task is very much possible for me to accomplish to the best of my ability.

But still, I often end up falling before the battle and the work remains untouched until the deadline is just around the corner.

Have you ever felt and experienced the same thing?

What is actually causing us to procrastinate and how can we stop this bad habit?

Understand The Reason Behind Procrastination

To understand the reasons behind procrastination, it is important to delve into various factors that contribute to this common behavior.

Procrastination is the act of delaying or avoiding tasks that require immediate attention, often opting for more pleasurable or less demanding activities.

By examining some of the key reasons behind procrastination, we can gain insights into how to overcome this habit.

1. Fear of failure

The first and most relatable cause of procrastination is the fear of failure.

When faced with a task that seems challenging or overwhelming, we may procrastinate it in order to avoid potential disappointment or negative outcomes.

2. Lack of motivation

Procrastination can stem from a lack of motivation or interest in a particular task.

When the perceived benefits or rewards of completing a task are minimal, we may struggle to find the drive to begin or continue working on it.

3. Poor time management

Let's be honest, some of us procrastinate due to poor time management skills.

We may underestimate the time required to complete a task, leading to last-minute rushes or missed deadlines.

4. Perfectionism

Striving for perfection can be a significant factor contributing to procrastination.

When we set unrealistically high standards for ourselves, we may fear starting a task because we worry we won't meet our own expectations. Thus, we opt to procrastinate doing the work eventually.

5. Lack of focus

Distractions, such as social media, emails, or noise, can easily divert attention and lead to procrastination.

6. Overwhelm and lack of organization

Feeling overwhelmed by a task or having a disorganized workspace can hinder productivity and lead to procrastination.

Identify Personal Triggers and Distractions

To identify personal triggers and distractions in order to stop procrastinating, you must first understand your own behavior patterns and what factors contribute to your tendency to procrastinate.

Here are some steps you can follow to help you identify your triggers.

1. Reflect on past experiences

Take some time to reflect on instances when you have procrastinated in the past.

Consider the specific tasks or situations that caused you to procrastinate getting started.

Look for common themes or patterns that may have contributed to your procrastination.

2. Identify internal triggers

Internal triggers that we're talking about here are thoughts, feelings, or beliefs that lead to procrastination.

Ask yourself what thoughts or emotions arise when you think about starting a task.

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or bored?

Understanding these triggers will help you find ways to overcome them.

3. Recognize external triggers

External triggers consist of environmental factors or external stimuli that lead to procrastination.

Are there certain locations or situations that make it difficult for you to focus or motivate yourself?

It could be noisy surroundings, a cluttered workspace, or even distractions like social media or television.

4. Keep a procrastination journal

Create a journal or use a note-taking app to record instances of procrastination.

Note down the specific triggers, distractions, and the reasons why you delayed the task.

This will help you gain awareness of recurring patterns and provide insights into your procrastination habits.


Everyone's triggers and distractions may be different, so it's important to personalize these strategies to suit your own needs.

By identifying and addressing these triggers, you can take significant steps towards overcoming procrastination and becoming more productive.

Strategies and Techniques to Overcome Procrastination

With the right strategies and techniques, it is possible to overcome procrastination and make progress towards achieving our goals.

Here are ten practical approaches to help you stop procrastinating and regain control of your time and tasks.

1. Set clear and realistic goals

Start by stating your goals in clear, specific terms.

Then, divide them into manageable, smaller tasks with reasonable due dates.

For example, if your goal is to lose weight, you can set a clear goal of losing 10 kg in 2 months.

Then, break it down into smaller tasks, such as exercising for 30 minutes daily and following a healthy meal plan.

This allows you to track your progress and ensures that your goals are achievable within the given timeframe.

You'll be less likely to put off crucial tasks if you have a clear idea of what needs to be done.

2. Prioritize tasks

After listing all the tasks that need to be done, determine which tasks are the most important for you to complete, and then prioritize them.

You can accomplish this by employing techniques such as the Eisenhower Matrix, which groups tasks according to their importance and urgency.

For example, let's say you have a big project at work with a deadline approaching.

Using the Eisenhower Matrix, you can identify the tasks that are both urgent and important, such as conducting research and creating an outline.

By prioritizing these tasks first, you ensure that you are making progress toward completing the project on time.

This method helps you stay organized and focused on what truly matters, avoiding unnecessary distractions.

3. Create a structured schedule

Create a daily or weekly schedule that designates time slots specifically for each assigned task.

To allocate time for important activities, you can use a planner, digital calendar, or task management app for this step.

For example, if you have a project deadline approaching, you can create a structured schedule that allocates specific time slots for research, writing, and editing.

This helps ensure that you stay on track and complete each task within the given timeframe.

By dedicating time solely to these high-priority tasks, you can avoid getting sidetracked by less important activities such as checking emails or scrolling through social media.

Stick to this schedule as much as possible to establish a routine and reduce the likelihood of procrastination.

4. Break tasks into smaller steps

Large tasks can often be overwhelming, leading to procrastination.

To combat this, break them down into smaller, more manageable steps.

For example, if you have a research paper to write, break it down into steps such as creating an outline, conducting research, writing the introduction, and so on.

By focusing on one step at a time, you can make progress without feeling overwhelmed by the entire task.

Additionally, crossing off these smaller steps as you complete them will provide a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to keep going.

Tackling these smaller portions will make the task seem less daunting and will provide a sense of profess, motivating you to continue.

5. Utilize time management techniques

Try to explore different time management techniques, such as the Podomoro Technique.

This popular method entails working for focused periods of time, typically 25 minutes, followed by a short break.

For example, if you have a research paper to write, you can set a timer for 25 minutes and focus solely on conducting research.

After the timer goes off, take a short break to refresh your mind before diving into writing for another 25 minutes.

This technique increases productivity by providing structured work intervals, and it prevents burnout by incorporating regular breaks.

By dividing your work into manageable intervals, you can maintain focus and increase productivity.

6. Eliminate distractions

Identify potential distractions from your workplace and then try to eliminate or remove them.

For example, if you are doing your assignments or homework, you can turn off notifications on your phone and block access to social media websites to minimize distractions.

Additionally, you can create a quiet and organized workspace to help maintain focus and maximize productivity during your research sessions.

You can improve your focus and stay away from procrastination traps by cutting down on distractions.

7. Find an accountability partner

Enlist the help of a trusted friend, colleague, or family member as an accountability partner.

Share your objectives and deadlines with them, and schedule regular check-ins to discuss progress.

For example, if you are conducting research, you can find an accountability partner who is also working on a similar project.

You can set goals together, such as completing a certain number of research articles each week and holding weekly check-ins to discuss your progress and provide support for each other.

This external accountability can provide motivation and help you stay on track.

8. Practice self-discipline

Set clear boundaries and stick to them to cultivate self-discipline.

Remind yourself of the benefits of completing tasks on time and resist the temptation to give in to the urge for instant gratification.

For example, if you are trying to develop a consistent exercise routine, you could create a schedule and commit to following it every day.

This could include waking up early to go for a run or signing up for a fitness class at a specific time each week.

By setting these clear boundaries and sticking to them, you are practicing self-discipline and prioritizing your health and fitness goals over immediate indulgences or distractions.

Additionally, using techniques like positive self-talk and visualization can help you stay motivated on your fitness journey.

9. Overcome fear of failure

One of the main reasons why people (including me) procrastinate is because they have this fear of failure.

If you have it too, try to overcome it by viewing failure as a learning opportunity and reframe it as a necessary part of personal development.

For example, let's say you want to start your own business but are afraid of failing.

Instead of letting fear hold you back, you can embrace the possibility of failure as a learning opportunity.

You can reframe it as a natural part of personal growth and recognize that taking action and making progress, even with imperfections, is better than not trying at all.

By shifting your mindset in this way, you can overcome your fear of failure and take the necessary steps to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.

10. Celebrate progress and reward yourself

Last but not least, you should recognize and celebrate your accomplishments along the way, even the little ones.

You can accomplish this by setting milestones and rewarding yourself when you reach them.

For example, let's say you are an aspiring entrepreneur who is starting your own clothing line.

You can set milestones such as designing your first collection, securing your first wholesale order, or launching your online store.

When you reach each milestone, you can reward yourself with something meaningful to you, such as a mini shopping spree for new clothes or a weekend getaway to recharge and celebrate your progress.

By celebrating these achievements, you not only boost your confidence and motivation but also create a positive association with the journey of entrepreneurship.

This positive reinforcement will help you stay motivated and build momentum toward overcoming procrastination.


In conclusion, overcoming procrastination requires a combination of self-awareness, effective time management, and discipline.

By implementing these ten practical strategies and techniques, you can take control of your time, increase productivity, and achieve your goals.

Remember that breaking the cycle of procrastination takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

So, start implementing these strategies today and say goodbye to procrastination for good!